Geography Majors and Careers

Geography as a College Major

Based on limited exposure to the discipline, many high school students will not even contemplate the possibility of majoring in geography when they go to college, but they should. Geography is relevant, addressing pressing issues and incorporating new technologies. Geography is diverse, incorporating the physical and social science and a wide range of quantitative and qualitative analytic techniques. And geography is interesting because it is about the world we live in now and the world we want to live in in the future. And if you want to think practically, geographic knowledge and skills are in high demand and short supply.

Explore these links for more information:
College Board page on choosing to major in geography
Association of American Geographers Guide to Geography Departments in the Americas

Geography as a Career

Geography skills are utilized in a wide range of fields, ranging from business, emergency response, education, human services, utilities, mineral extraction, to real estate. Employers in government, for-profit companies, and non-profit companies reported that they were experiencing difficulty or that they were failing to meet their hiring needs for a variety of jobs requiring geographic skills. The talent shortfall is expected to grow over the next 5-10 years due to continued failure to produce individuals who have the ability to analyze and interpret geographic information.

The Association of American Geographers devotes a section of its website to information about Careers in Geography.
